Tik Tok #RedBandBermuduDivstūris campaign + event organization
TASK – To attract influencers who will creatively and interactively engage the target audience in the Red Band TikTok challenge “Accept the challenge and meet me at the party”.
The face of the campaign was Bermudu Divstūris – a Latvian rap duo, which came up with a mini-song for the Red Band TikTok, and Snick Dance Company – a dance studio, which came up with the dance. People used the song on TikTok, repeated dance steps and participated in a contest where they could win tickets to an ABpark “Superīgākā vasaras diena” event and candy from Red Band. We created unique RedBand gifts with personalized butterflies that popped out of the gift boxes. Influencers used surprise gifs to attract people and inform them about the TikTok giveaway and the party at the ABpark.
To make the area next to the Red Band “Teleports” attraction more interesting we installed personalized flags and a chill zone for children and parents. People were involved in various activities, such as “Cornhole”, “Four in Line” and “Flying Aim”, enjoying time with family and Red Band team.
To invite people to post on social media on the day of the event we announced that they can get a free merch T-shirt (Bermudu Divstūris x Red Bend), as well as candy. People filmed TikTok videos and posted Instagram Stories and publications. We gave away over 60 shirts in 3 hours and more than 450 packs of candies by the end of the day.