Mistakes in graphic design can be very expensive
Ilze Magone has been working for BSMS since 2002, and she is a great example that it is not enough with one profession for a lifetime. That is the reason why, even though Ilze started to work at BSMS as office manager, she is a graphic designer now for many years already as a result of her own initiative. Viktorija Mežniece, meanwhile, is a young and enthusiastic professional who has collaborated with BSMS for a short time, but has already proved that one of the designer’s most necessary qualities is endless creativity.
Why did you start working as a graphic designer? Ilze: When I was working as an office manager at BSMS, our team was looking for graphic designer; and I suddenly had an unexpected idea. I went to our director and said that I could become one. I have a diploma in visual arts as well as knowledge in various arts, their history and composition. But I did not know anything about graphic design programs. The director agreed and supported my initiative and for that I am very grateful to him at the moment. It was a big challenge for me though. I attended classes and read books; I could say that I started this path almost from a zero position. However, I have gained invaluable experience working, learning and looking for answers to my own questions. I remember how much I enjoyed the first printed work, which, although relatively simple, succeeded – it was Nesquik booklet. Of course, it cannot be compared to the visual materials that we are preparing now. Viktorija: The reason for that is both simple and understandable at the same time – it is quite exciting to work at this field, and if you succeed in learning something new, then there is even greater pleasure in the experience you have gained.
While we are talking about excitement – how would you say what are the best things in your profession? Ilze: I would say that unexpected tasks and various solutions that can be applied to them.
Those who do not work with graphic design might wonder where do you get inspiration for new ideas? Viktorija: I would say that ideas arise in everyday life – events, people, and nature… Also, inspiration can always be found simply by looking at good design blogs or just allowing yourself to experiment.
When working in the advertising industry, one should expect that the customers are very diverse – what is the secret of a good graphic designer, that allows to communicate to different clients? Ilze: In my opinion, the key words are a positivism and purpose. Although graphic design is a creative industry, it is always important to complete the work so that the customer is satisfied with it. Viktorija: The graphic designer should be fast, customers always appreciate that. Of course, it is a challenge to create something that five different people would love at once, because the taste and understanding of what is beautiful is different. But I always try to be responsive, and I expect the same from the client.
What qualities make a great graphic designer? Viktorija: I would say – patience, accuracy, and responsibility to details, because mistakes in graphic design can be very expensive. In this profession, it is crucial to work with no mistakes, so that someone else, who would open your work file later, would not need to fix them.
What are the latest trends in graphic design? Ilze: At the moment I would say that most popular trends are bright colors and interesting fonts, which highlight the customer’s product, while maintaining brand guidelines. Viktorija: One of the biggest trends is simpler and more ascetic design, but trends and values are changing very fast today.